Earlier it was announced that Google will release the Android 11 beta version on June 3, 2020, with new pixel series phones. The Android 11 beat version is currently rolling out in the pixel 2, 2 XL, Pixel 3XL, Pixel 3A, Pixel 3A XL, and Pixel 4 series Phones. It is confirmed that Non-Google branded phone Oppo is bringing the Android 11 to the Oppo Find X2 series phones by the end of June 2020. Chinese mobile maker Xiaomi has announced that Android 11 beta is coming to the Xiaomi Mi 10, Xiaomi Mi 10 pro and Poco F2 pro. The developer Android 11 can be downloaded from official link.
Google has introduced a New Feature “Bubbles” user-Friendly Option for Android 11 users. The purpose of this feature is that users can keep the conversations as view and also access that when you are in the Multitask works. This feature can be done anywhere on their device. Bubbles Feature is available in three categories namely Priority, Alerting, and silent. It shows the notifications when the phone is locked.
Priority: You can keep the important person conversation from social media Twitter, Facebook, chat messages by selecting as a priority. It keeps on send you their conversations from that particular person until you remove them from the list. It appears at the topmost of the screen.
Alerting: It just reminds the notifications by vibration or by sound.
Silent: This is the last feature in the Bubble it just shows the notification as seen in Android 10 without any sound.
There is an option available for you to opt-out from the bubble. This feature is currently available for developers only. Later it is opened for the public to access this function.
Media controls:
In Android 11 Media control feature is coming with a quick and convenient way for the users to access this feature. It allows the user to control the audio and video streaming in a preferred manner. This setting is located in the quick settings on the phone.
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Privacy in Android 11:
Google has taken more effort for the privacy area in the Android 11 operating system. In order to give secure and transparency, Google has brought new features for the Android 11 supported phones.
- One- Time Permission: This option is really a good one because for every time the app needs to get permission to access a microphone, camera, or location. So the security side is very safe without our knowledge the app can’t able to access the phones.
- Permission Auto-Reset: This feature in android 11 will send the alert to the users for an unused app for a long time to reactivate it. The app again sends a request to access the phone to work.
Apart from these features the new guideline for accessing the location queries given by Google.
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Control External devices in Android 11:
Google has introduced the easiest way to control the external devices via phone in the Android 11. This can be done by doing this process. The first one is creating the service then declaring the service and the final one is the determination of control type.
Better visual indicators and support for display
Android 11 gives different display icon for network technologies with the following symbols:
NR on millimeter-wave cellular bands -> 5G+
NR -> 5G
Advanced pro LTE -> 5Ge
LTE with carrier -> LTE+
Display likes water drop, dewdrop, punch hole, or slider are given even better rap around the edge of the devices to get display cutouts avoiding the not necessary essential content.
Authentication updates
Biometric authentication is essential in today devices so this standard for biometric is categorization into three types in Android 11 as supports:
BiometricStrong – An app is considered under this category when both fingerprint and device credential data needs to verify.
BiometricWeak – Only the fingerprint sensor data is verified.
Device Credential – user entered data like PIN, Password or Pattern comes under this category.
User prompts with Biometric level during the usage of the app.
Android 11 gets a major debugging feature through wireless manner via Android Debug Bridge (adb). For eg. Users will able to debug multiple remote device without connecting physically. To use this feature user need to pair the device to workstation using pairing code.
Output Switching
Android 11 bring the new behavior to apps that user can select the output device to cast it. This enables the switching option in lot easy manner without disconnecting from home theater to audio in car or wireless headphones.
The final version of Android 11 will take place from the Q3 2020.